360 Communities Armful of Love has delivered holiday joy to thousands of families over the decades. Armful of Love supports families in need with gift cards to purchase gifts and groceries during the holiday season. The support of our generous donors helps reduce financial stress for families in Dakota County.

Why donate gift cards?
Many of us find great joy in shopping for and picking out gifts for our loved ones. Gift cards allow parents and guardians who use our services to feel that same joy. 360 Communities changed the Armful of Love program years ago to provide gift cards instead of wrapped gifts after families told us they preferred it. This creates a more dignified experience for parents and guardians as they can pick out gifts specific to their children.
We have been able to serve 500 families with your generous support! Thank you!
Family registration for Armful of Love 2024 is now closed. Click on the button below for other holiday gift programs in your area.