Success stories
Driven student graduates early with support from Partners For Success®.
A cancer survivor finds stability and hope at 360 Communities.
More 360 Communities story highlights
Ranger has been an invaluable resource for survivors
Victim Support Dog Ranger’s first time supporting a domestic violence survivor was at a pretrial hearing. 360 Communities had been working with Veronica for years. It was an ongoing situation and it was intensely stressful and emotional for the client. [...]
Ranger: an innovative new resource for survivors
An exciting 360 Communities initiative involves a creative way to provide survivors of abuse additional support. We are working with an organization called Pawsitive Perspectives Assistance Dogs (PawPADs) that trains service dogs to respond to traumatic events, like mass shootings or disasters. [...]
360 Communities: your relationship to community needs
by Jeff Mortensen President & CEO Do you have eyes that see the courage and struggle in the people around you? We each hold a unique perspective and are more likely to see those things that “fit” our own world [...]
360 Communities supports survivors every month of the year
October is designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, but vigilance, conversation, education, and advocacy about the issues of domestic and sexual violence is needed year-round. According to the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women, at least 13 Minnesotans have died as a result [...]
Moving on to the next chapter
By Sal Mondelli CEO Emeritus After a very rewarding four plus years as CEO, I have handed the reins over to Jeff Mortensen effective October 1, the start of the new fiscal year, as part of an orderly transition plan [...]
360 Communities stabilizes families and supports long-term academic success
By Lisa Lusk Director of School Success Academic success is not a guarantee for any student. Even children who have all the tools and support in the world to reach their potential may have significant hurdles to overcome requiring hard [...]