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Dakota Healthy Families Earns National Accreditation


In June, the Metro Alliance for Healthy Families received national accreditation from Healthy Families America (HFA), a program of Prevent Child Abuse America. The highly effective HFA model of home visiting is based upon a stringent set of 12 critical elements grounded in more than 30 years of research. The accreditation process involves an in-depth examination of [...]

Dakota Healthy Families Earns National Accreditation2015-08-17T07:30:15-05:00

360 Communities helps families take steps for success


By Lisa Lusk Director of School Success Sandra is a single mother raising three children. She is employed, but the income is not enough to support her family. Her estranged husband offered no financial support and her income was too high to qualify for government assistance. At the beginning of the school year, staff at her [...]

360 Communities helps families take steps for success2019-02-18T01:09:58-06:00
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