Success stories

Sonja and her grandkids secured stable housing with the support of Housing for Success.

A cancer survivor finds stability and hope at 360 Communities.

More 360 Communities story highlights

Cities 97 Sampler Funds 360 Communities Lewis House

Recently, Cities 97 chose 360 Communities to share in the money raised from the Cities 97 Sampler, Volume 26!  360 Communities received $5,000 to fund violence prevention and intervention work at our Lewis House sexual and domestic violence shelters. About 3,000 [...]

Parent Aware Helps Strengthen Child Care

Did you know that a Wilder Foundation study found that in Minnesota children entering kindergarten unprepared costs the school system $113 million annually? Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life is critical for social and cognitive development and [...]

Dakota Healthy Families Earns National Accreditation

In June, the Metro Alliance for Healthy Families received national accreditation from Healthy Families America (HFA), a program of Prevent Child Abuse America. The highly effective HFA model of home visiting is based upon a stringent set of 12 critical elements [...]

Help Curb the Endemic Problem of Sexual Violence

by Carol Connelly Sexual Assault Services Program Coordinator Several years ago, Jules was laid off from a construction company. Her former supervisor, Frank, maintained communication with her and encouraged her to reapply when there was a new opening. She had [...]

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