Gladys was 80-years-old and homeless when she arrived at 360 Communities Family Resource Center. She met Sophia, our Financial Support Worker who uncovered that Gladys’ husband passed away two and a half years ago and was her sole provider. Gladys had no close family or friends and only a disability check for support. By listening generously and building trust, Sophia discovered that Gladys’ husband was a veteran and that she was the former president of a local American Legion chapter.
There was support surrounding Gladys, but she needed Sophia’s expertise and strength to access it. Sophia connected Gladys with Dakota County Veteran Services, the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans (MACV), the American Legion, and faith communities. Through Sophia’s encouragement and a network of support, they located a home that would rent to Gladys despite her poor rental history, assembled a package of emergency assistance funds to cover first and last month’s rent and deposit, and secured help for her move. Sophia also connected Gladys to a Dakota County support group for widows of veterans.
Today, Gladys has been in her new home for eight months. She accesses the healthy food at 360
Communities Burnsville Food Shelf and checks in with Sophia regularly. She is connected with an array
of resources for families of veterans, including a new network of supportive friends. Gladys’ story is a
testament to the power of 360 Communities’ collaborative partnerships and ability to stabilize housing
and transform lives.